How to Help Your Clients Leave RMA Reviews on LinkedIn After Reviewing

Amplify your Reviews with RankMyAgent and LinkedIN


Now as you collect RankMyAgent reviews, you can also easily collect LinkedIn recommendations!

Our integration allows your clients to easily share reviews from RankMyAgent (RMA) to LinkedIn as recommendations.

Note: This integration is only available to premium Agents, Team lite, Team plus accounts. Learn more about our plans here.

If you are a Real Estate Professional, here's how you can complete the integration:

Or follow these instructions:

1. Log in to your RankMyAgent account.

2.  Head over to "Edit Profile".

3.  In the "Web and Social" tab, scroll to the "Amplify Your Reviews Everywhere" section and you will see the "LinkedIn Page" field.

4.  You will need your LinkedIn profile link. The format is as follows:

The bold 'yourLinkedInprofilename' part of the link above is your own personal profile name. You can find your LinkedIn profile name by logging into your LinkedIn account and viewing your profile.

In the case below, the LinkedIn profile link is

5. Once you have the correct format, you can go ahead and complete the "LinkedIn Page" field in your account:

For example, if your LinkedIn URL is, please only put smritiverma1/ in the blank field in your RMA account because the part has already been pre-filled for you.

6.  Remember to click the "Update" button and you are all set up!

Now, when your client leaves a review for you and verifies it, they will be requested to copy the review from RankMyAgent and paste it on LinkedIn as a recommendation.

1) Like our standard review procedure, your reviewers will be asked to verify their review in their e-mail once they have finished reviewing.

2) After clicking the link, the following page will ask them to leave their review on other platforms. The window will ask them to copy their review and pick the platform they want to paste their review on, so they do not have to rewrite the review. 

3) They will then be directed to your LinkedIn profile where they can search for your name and then paste their RMA review that they have copied from step #2 above.

Note: Reviewers should be logged in to LinkedIn to post a recommendation on the platform.

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