What happens if I get a negative review?

Don't worry if you receive a negative review, these are actually beneficial to your business, even if it seems counter-intuitive. 

Here is the process if you receive a critical review:

1) If you received a critical review and clicked on "Flag" in the email notification, you will be automatically notified that you Did Not Approve the review and are encouraged to follow up with the client.

2) We will ask you to follow up with your client during the 14-day Resolution Period, in order to resolve any issues that your client may have touched upon within their review. If the review is deemed unfit to post, we will notify you. 

3) After the 14-day Resolution Period, if the review is libellous or in any way deemed unfit to post, it will not be posted. Otherwise, it will then be posted. Please view our Posting Guidelines for more information on what is deemed suitable. Agents have an opportunity to comment on the review by sending us a response at support@rankmyagent.com within the 14-day period. 

Here is how critical reviews actually have hidden benefits: 

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