What is RankMyAgent?

RankMyAgent is a credible, moderated, and third party review site solely focused in the real estate space.

The online platform that connects Real Estate Professionals and brokers to consumers across North America by using the power of reviews to get them recognized, generate leads, and build their online reputation.

Our core functionality is to feature reviews from your clients allowing you to build trust with other potential homeowners and manage your online profile.

Our popular Agent/Broker tools include:

- Virtual Office: Helps Agents build their profile and manage reviews 

- Rich profile highlighting key geographic farming areas, designations, and niche specializations

- Social Media Widgets: Allows agents/brokers to access various widgets to stream reviews on their websites/corporate sites, social media platforms etc.

- Request a Review: Built in messaging functionality to contact customers to request reviews.

-Access to Learning Centre: Get informed and educated on topics related to Online Reviews, Reputation Management, Digital Marketing etc.

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