How do I add and edit my Contacts?

We've made it easier to add your client's email addresses to your premium account so you can easily send them a Review Request. 

Note: This feature is only available to users on RankMyAgent (RMA) Premium.

There are two easy ways to add to your "Contacts" list:

  • You can add them one at a time; or
  • You can add a bulk list all at once by importing a .csv file (CSV Comma Delimited). 

To Add Contacts One At a Time

1) Log in to RMA, click "Account" in the navigation bar at the top, and select "Contacts" from the dropdown list. 

2) To add email addresses one by one, select the "Create New" option. 

3) Enter your client's information and hit "Submit" to save the contact to your Contacts list. 

To Add Multiple Contacts at Once through a .csv File 

This function is suggested for users looking to upload 10+ contacts all at once. This is a fast and quick process for new RMA users!

1) Log in to RMA, click "Account" in the navigation bar at the top, and select "Contacts" from the dropdown list. 

2) To add a list of multiple email addresses, click the "Import from csv" button. 

3) Click the "Select file" button and select your .csv file from your computer.

Note: Your .csv file (CSV Comma Delimited) should contain email addresses in the first column. Optional columns are: first and last names in the second and third columns, respectively.

This function requires your list of contacts to be in .csv file format. An Excel sheet (.xlsx file), Word document (.doc file) or any other kind of file format cannot be uploaded

4) Please click "Import" after you have selected your .csv file. 

5) Our system will then automatically process the .csv file so that the information will be uploaded to your Contacts list on RMA. Once you have successfully uploaded your .csv file, a notification like the one below will appear and the new contacts you have added will appear first on the list. 

Congratulations! You've added your contacts! You should now be able to see your new contact/s in your Contacts list.

Once you've added them to your contacts, you will then be able to send them a request for a review

To convert your file to a .csv file format, open your contact list on whatever spreadsheet program you use (i.e. Microsoft Excel, google sheets, etc.). Click the "File" tab and select "Save as" or "Export as". You should then have an option to select the file type, so please select "CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)".

If you're having trouble with this process or if you need any assistance, please reach out to

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