How to connect my RMA reviews to X (formely Twitter)?

Stream your 4+ star RankMyAgent reviews directly to your Twitter account. Sit back and get recognized for your great work!

To set-up:

1. Login to your RankMyAgent Virtual Office 

2.   Click on Edit Profile, located in the 'My Account'  drop down.

3.  Scroll to the bottom and click on the green plus sign to Integrate with Twitter

4.  You will be taken to a page authorizing RankMyAgent to syndicate to your account. Add your username/email and password and click 'Authorize app'

5.  You will notice when you visit your RankMyAgent Virtual office, under  Account' and 'Edit Profile' It will show that you are connected to Twitter. Voila! You are ready to get recognized for your awesome work! 

*Please note: the automatic post to Twitter will fire once you hit the "Confirm" button on your review and your review is published to your RMA account. 

Reviews syndicated onto Twitter

Please note, using the Twitter syndication you can also get your reviews syndicated onto your facebook newsfeed

Need help?  Reach out to us at and we will help you out with set-up.

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