How do I Respond to Reviews?

Your client has left a review on your RankMyAgent profile! To leave a public comment for your reviewers, please follow this video tutorial or the text guide below for instructions. 

*This feature is also used to leave a comprehensive response to published negative reviews.

Here is how to respond to your reviews from your profile:

1. Please log in to your RankMyAgent Account. Once logged in, click on the My Account tab and head to Reviews.

2. On your  Reviews page, scroll down the page to where your live reviews are displayed. Find the review that you want to leave a comment on.

3. On the bottom right corner of the review, click on the  blue "..." button.

4. Click on  Respond to Review. Leave your message in the box and hit Submit once finished.

Once completed and submitted, your response to your reviewer will be visible on your profile. 

If you need any assistance, please reach out to for help.

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