How do I download graphics of my reviews?

So, you've built up a great online presence and want to start sharing your RMA reviews across the web. Maybe you have an Instagram, Facebook, or another image based social media account. Maybe you just want your reviews to go farther in the internet and want to add them easily to your paper marketing materials. We have a new, easy way to do this! 

Save yourself and your staff the hassle of creating all new design content over and over for all your reviews. Find out below how to download ready-to-use professional graphics for every single review:

1)  Log in to your RankMyAgent account. Then click the "Reviews" button in the header. 

2) Select the "Live" button to see your published reviews and click "Manage Review" on your desired review.

Note: The "Reviews" page will show all reviews that are currently associated with your RankMyAgent account. In the "Pending," "Awaiting reviewer verification," and "Awaiting Moderation" sections are reviews that have not been published for the public to see. The reviews in these sections will not have the download graphics function, only reviews that have already been published will have the function to generate graphics.

To publish reviews in the "Pending" section, simply click the review and select "Approve review", the publication process will then begin. To publish reviews in the "Awaiting reviewer verification" and "Awaiting Moderation" area, please check out this FAQ on why it may be taking some time. 

3) Scroll down, then please click the "Download review graphic" button.

You can also add a photo to your review (and subsequently your downloaded graphic). To learn how, you may check this FAQ.

Note: The default downloaded review graphic is optimized and ready for uploading to your social media accounts. To ensure this, some text may be cut off due to size limitations. Therefore, some graphics may have missing words, especially for longer testimonials.

To download the full-length review graphic, please click on the downward arrow beside the "Download review graphic" and select "Download full length review graphic."

4) Your graphic will then download immediately to your desktop files. The graphic will be optimized for easy uploading and sharing, making it ready for posting on your preferred platforms.

Another way to download your graphic:

Once a review has been published, you can download the graphic in the email notification sent to you.

If you're having trouble with this process or if you need any assistance, please reach out to

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