How do I get my Google Reviews on my profile?

You can have up to five (5) of your Google Reviews displayed on your RankMyAgent (RMA) Profile Page*, wherein Google determines which 5 are displayed by most relevant.

*Available for Premium subscriptions only. Find the best fit plan for your needs

Once you have this integration, the Google reviews will show at the bottom of your RMA profile:

Note: These Google reviews will not count towards your overall RankMyAgent ranking/score, but they work hard to boost your credibility.

Want this integration on your RMA Profile Page? Simply email us at, ask for the Google integration, and provide the full name of your Google Business Page.

Reviews are retrieved using an API integration with Google Places.

You must have a functioning Google Place ID registered with your Google Business Page for integration to connect. This may require you to enter a street address to your Google Business Page, if not added already, for Google to generate your unique Place ID.

Want to test if your Place ID is working? Head to Google Places and type in your exact Google Business Page title. If your entry appears, then your unique Place ID exists for our integration to connect.

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