How do I add locations to my review?
We've just added new ways for users to find your agent profile by using the location based "Top Reviewed Locally" filter. Check out this FAQ to learn more about our filters.
This means that the more location tags you add to your reviews, the more different pages and filters your profile will show up on in RankMyAgent search as well as Google search.
Here's how you can add location tags to your reviews:
1) Log in to your RMA Account.
2) Click "My Account" > "Reviews".
2) Scroll down to your live reviews and find the review you'd like to add a location to. Click the empty "Add location" pin on your review.
3) Once you click the "Add location" pin, a pop-up will appear. You can then begin selecting the country, state/province, city, and neighbourhood by choosing options from the drop-down menus.
4) Click the "Save" button.
Once you hit save, your new location tag will populate on the review. If you'd like to edit the tag, just hit the red "x" button and you will be able to restart the tag.
Great job! You are well on your way to successfully geo-farming locations. Feel free to search for your profile using the "Top Reviewed Locally" search filter to see if you start to show on the location page you just tagged.
Any questions or concerns? Reach out to us at