How does the review process work after review submission?

Here's the journey of a Review:

  1. Once a review is submitted on RankMyAgent, our system begins to process the review. 
  2. After leaving a review, the reviewer will receive an email from us so they can verify their review.
  3. After the reviewer verifies their email, the agent will receive an email from us so they can confirm the review for publishing or flag the review for our team to investigate the claim.

For the reviewer, you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address. Please note that we will not send you marketing emails if you complete this verification. This process is only required as a verification that you are a real person with a valid email address that is leaving a review (rather than a spambot).

Here is what our email to the reviewer looks like:

For the agent being reviewed, after your client verifies their email, you will receive an email asking you to confirm the review for publishing or flag the review for our team to investigate your claim. You will need to respond by clicking on "Confirm" or "Flag". If you do not choose an action, it will be automatically posted after 14 days if it meets our Guidelines.

Here is what our email to the agent looks like:

A) If you click Confirm, the review will be posted given that the following criteria are met (in order)*: 

  • The reviewer must have verified their review via the email they received from us.
  • The review must contain a full address.
  • You, the agent, must hit the Confirm button. 

If any of these is not met, your review will default to our standard procedure, wherein our Moderation Team will investigate the review.

*If our human moderation team doubts the validity or authenticity of a review we reserve the right to request appropriate paper work and moderate the review. Please note impersonating any person or entity, or submitting any materials to the Site or through the Services that are false, inaccurate, deceptive, misleading, unlawful, or are otherwise in violation of the TOU.

B) If you click Flag, a 14-day Investigation Period* begins. We call this our "14-day Cooling Off Period", wherein we give you time to mitigate the situation and gives our Moderation Team time to investigate the claim. Your cooperation and honesty are asked of while moderation investigates. We encourage agents to reach out to the disgruntled client at this time for conflict resolution.

Flagging reviews indicates that its contents have gone against our review guidelines.

  • If the review does not meet our Guidelines, it will not be posted. 
  • However, if the review clears our guidelines, it will be published.

You, the agent, can follow up with your client to remedy the situation. If there is no resolution by the end of the 14-day period, you have the option of submitting a response to the review. This response will be released with the review, so it may be seen along with the review.

*Investigation periods are subject to extensions or renewals, based on a case-by-case scenario.

Other FAQ's regarding our Review Process:

Why do you need the full address of the transaction?

In order to verify the review, as well as to ensure we do not have any spam/duplicate reviews, we require the full address of the transaction. The client must have had a firm/closed transaction to buy, sell or rent a property within North America in order to write a review. The transaction address is validated and verified with the agent prior to posting on RankMyAgent. The transaction address in never shared on the site and is solely used for verification purposes only.

What if my client wants to be anonymous?

If your client doesn’t want to provide their real name, they can provide a pseudo name. If your reviewer was not able to do so when they left their review, this request can be made to us at and we can add a pseudo name to appear on the public site.

What if my clients don't want to complete the survey online?

If any clients would prefer to complete the review offline, we do have a paper version of the survey that can be scanned and emailed back to us.  Please the accomplished forms to

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